Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  






I. Of the Inner Images

II. Of the masters’ understanding


I. Imagination of Mankind – Of the Images of the Heart

'Blinded by Iblīs' (Sura 15:33) – since the union of God and Master reveals »the word« that determines master-power: "that materialistic explanation of life that regards 'woman without God' as a physiological or economic machine" (Musil, The Blackbird) – one wants to forget that the fulfillment between »Venus and Genius« (Exodus 15:1-2, 20-21; cf. Richard Wagner's 'Tannhäuser Song'; Ovid, Metamorphoses: 'Ceres is due my Song!') creates those processes that organize the creation »Humanity« in a cultural way.

When galaxies are so closely together in the cosmos, they tear the stars away from each other, due to their own gravitational forces. This is how it also happens on earth. Without cultural-awakened spirit, people rotate like a dynamo, heating up the clouds of matter surrounding them, similar to 'black holes', into which the matter is reaching. When wombs collide (Book of Kings 3,16-22), there will be mutual interaction between mothers and those children who are dwelling as stars in the neighbourhood. However, altered gravitational forces also ensure that one single and universal galaxy is formed from scattered single galaxies.

The Faith is a trabant of the Great Femininity; its cultural power lies in the subconscious, the emotion of the most heavenly longing. When the will of the 'father-realisation' is shining, the sweet moonlight encourages that mother-mighty unconsciousness, in which our languor in dealing with compassion has been learned. His soul’s moon-mirror is musici for the genius; listening to »the word of the universe« he awakens into that guiding image which appears in the 'decay of religion'. The fire of creative spirit brings forth a »New Earth« rising like a sun. From heart and feelings, the crown of thorns of the Sisyphus tree (Sura 53.12-17) the power of the sun is shining; from the solar wind, the 'wisdom whispered by God' (Bonaventura), the moon and stars are gleaming (Daniel 3: 1-97).

Ill woods do not die alone, but in dying are killing their devastators (Viktor Schauberger)
Planetary Consciousness  The power of love of the Divine Mother wants to come to help on Planet Earth and to emerge, to imprint Herself on Her environment. Now cultural and educational institutes are to be founded in which men learn to give creative spirit in such a way that women evolve as 'goddesses of peace' of love. If »God is love« 'Immaculate Conception' She must be found in the heart of every man. Whoever wants to understand this must worship in the female idol of the Immaculata in order to finally learn to understand that men allow themselves too much freedom in the world: everything is a lesson in compassion for Notre-Dame, to share in Her needs and despair. But are men really prepared to share the worries and hardships of the women and children in the world, to share in the depression and despair of the souls now coming to planet earth, to give them spiritual nourishment, to help the humane with their service, to give mercy to that being, that needs Her {Notre Dame}? There is still an economic power of men that is reluctant to sacrifice its time, its money, its pleasures and comforts and to invest in urgently needed educational institutions to build up the peace of the world – why?

The very nature of woman – the difference between the sexes
Femininity, inwardly moulding itself, must deal with its environment and gradually emphasise the essence of itself in the »worshipped, Beloved Lord and God«. It is only in the second half of life that women succeed in forming the space-time of men as real pictorial space, so that the above and below, side by side and behind each other of 'the labourers in the vineyard' (Matthew 20:1-16) appear consistent. If, in the meantime, men build brothels into the infinite, women's love is falling into the finite – and it is war.  

State of Planet Earth  If we resume wars and epidemics, the natural disasters and mental illness, the mortality rate is up to 1 000 times higher than normal. Increasing calamity in the world is essentially related to the fact that feminine autonomy teaches eroticism, far from Bodhisattva spirituality. But at the latest, with the birth of the grandchild, daughters begin to have an inkling that they are in a much greater misery than the mothers are aware of... namely when they see the devil's grandmother speaking to the grandson: Everyone prays to the princess as goddess. And I, the foremost mother of nature, the initiator of the elements, the eternal sustainer of the whole universe, I am to be profaned in earthly ignobleness? Petit-fils, my great Amor, bestow vengeance on your grandmother! Let this girl burn in the hottest impulse to the vilest man, one whose honour and property and also health are cursed by his own fate, and standing so low, that throughout the earth he finds no equal in misery. (Apuleius, Metamorphoses).

'Unfulfilled basic needs activate the ascent to higher realization' (Abraham Maslow / Kings 18:44; Luke 1:35, 16:4-17:3). Then a soul recognizes: "What a tremendous deception! Lord, my God, I would like to forget mine, looking only at where I may serve You" (Teresa of Ávila). Neoliberal women mostly adapt to the ego of the men. Poisons of the mind {'One takes the impermanent, impure, evil for the pure, good and for the soul' Patanjali, Yoga Sutras II.5}, greed, delusion, hatred, pride, strife are the consequences: Through wars and epidemics One humankind breaks down.

The Kundalini {femina serpentina} works like the furies' poison of the snake: 'Penetrated deep into the intestines, flowing wholly through Her [Kali works], deplorably aroused by powerful spell. Then She raves through the vastness of the city, without halt, in madness.' (Virgil, Aeneis).

It is men's progressive free-thinking, "No time to repent!" that brings the war. Expelling dominant emotions in women 'with Beelzebub and his angels' (Matthew 25:41; 12:22-34) – the son did not let his sister preside – this brings chaos, diseases, war on cities, countries, peoples. "On the arbitrarily chosen material schemes spread that have no longer anything in common with humanity, with the 'soul of the human being': businessman morality enslaves by selling freedom as self-determination. Self-determining, women trample on »woman's self-determination«; meanwhile men do not deem it necessary to at least listen to the law of creative spirit by which womanhood lives as a truly real Maitreya." 'Pavel Florensky: A Quiet Genius Tragic Life of Russia’s Unknown da Vinci', Avril Pyman, Cambridge University Press 2010. Cities and continents are burning in the spiritual eros of men. "Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven" (Paradise Lost, John Milton) is the whisper.

Woe, when the Holy Order, blessed richly, heaven’s daughter, equals has she free and light and glad connected, city buildings hath erected, when’er in brooks a-flaming doth free itself, the glowing ore! blind-raging with the crash of thunder, it springs from out the bursted house, and as from jaws of hell asunder doth spew its molten ruin out; there can no structure yet be standing, when peoples do themselves set free, there can no common welfare be. (Schiller: Song of the Bell; Isaiah 5:20).

'Love brought us from the world of unity to that of variety, and the same force can take us back again to the world of unity from the world of variety' (Hazrat Inayat Khan, Bowl of Saki). In order not to benefit from men only as physical, mental or spiritual "masters", but as »wholesome friends«, for this, that enlightenment is necessary which transfigures all alienated as well as imprinted feelings, leaving only beauty to be found. "The teaching of Diotima sets, discovers, reveals the insistence of a third, that is always there and that makes progress possible: from poverty to wealth, from ignorance to wisdom, from the mortal to the immortal. And for her this always means a further perfection of the love and in the love. It is love itself that leads to knowledge. It, the love, is both guide and path. The intermediary par excellence." (Luce Irigaray: The banquet – The speech of Diotima, Lecture at the Erasmus University Rotterdam 1982-09-22).

II. The master-reason and the mistresses

In Ester's power the world riots in arms  'The queen is never again to come before the king's eyes; the king is to lend the rank of queen to younger one who has more dignity than she.' (Ester 1:19). "I stumbled when I saw." (Shakespeare, King Lear). And the snake stealthily ate the immortality herb from the well's edge. (Gilgamesh XI).

Adam’s fall  "You old woman, matron, what are you still doing here: you have given birth!" (Rilke, Alkestis); 'Hey, hey, hey, that the old woman go away from him!' (Rusálka, Dvorák); "Cursed is the ground for your sake!" (Genesis 3:17; 2:20). People's lack of spiritual discipline made the uncreative hoof-bearing 'devil' out of the spirit of the world {winged bull} as the bearer of wisdom [Mephistophiles (me: not; photos: light; philos: lover; mephītis: stinking; tophel: liar) means: 'liar, the non-lover of the Divine Feminine Light']. The body of the radiant chimera (Sphinx) was made into a stinking goat; 'here the lungs are gasping and there the smell is dulling' (Herder) and her scorpion-thorn woke up.

Perfidious maxim in dialogue: Men have to avoid that they will be recognized as that what they are. "Never allow the devil to be recognized by your performance. Act as the nice boy from next door. Completely harmless. Play the inconspicuous. You know, the fool, the unsecure!" (The Devil's Advocate, Taylor Hackford).

As the sun illuminates the moon, so spiritual femininity illuminates the soul-spherical service of the creative ray of the Cultural Creatives. And as much intelligence as brotherly spirit receives, that much She makes the environment new. Like the horns for the cow, so is the women's divine crown the "sucking organ", creating new 'the solar-system in the Milky Way' from the dharma of the lunar order. At the same time, 'the women's view' radiates through Her heart encouragement into the male's soul. In this way, women, as gardeners, uphold their wise order. This state of the whole is such that it orders all parts.

Tavistock-working conference – Dialectics of the Truth  'A disputatious truth, capable of awakening and disturbing that which slumbers in our depths, capable of brightening our darknesses: truth that lives and is ready to venture out among the living – does not long retain its sublime simplicity. Its inner vitality will burst everything. The hidden side of truth is the emergence of its inner contradictions and this great fundamental mystery we call »dialogue«.' (Gershom Scholem). Without severity Geburah (Din), the "No!" of the divine-feminine, there grows in the masculine an irrepressible will to power, a military urge 'to unhinge the world in order to secure his sense of personality' (Alfred Adler, On the Nervous Character). Meanwhile in materiality, due to the lack of the "Yes" of creative soulful masculinity, feminist autonomy, the aversion towards hypocrisy against personal imperfection and incompleteness, is seething. The monk believes: "I should be cute, self-sacrificing and pious." While the worldly man tones, "I want to be powerful, respected, winning type!", for which spirituality teaches him: 'independent, detached and perfect'. Thus men are alienated from their humanistic nature, prevented from manifesting their soul's potential. This aggravates 'heat and misery, poverty and hunger' – with the consequences of: war.

"Beyond the lower nature of man [Arabic: Nafs; Bhagavad-gita 2:45: 'the three gunas'] there is a higher energy that comes from Me, which is the wisdom of women's spiritual community feeling and brings about that unfoldment of men's cultural soul striving, which fights against demonic freedom and maintains peace in the world." (according to Bhagavad-gita 7:4-5). The more one wants to know about this peace-making power and at the same time cleaning the eight components of one's lower nature [that herd of pigs that plunges down the hillside into the lake and perishes in its floods (Matthew 8:31-32) along with Dante's 'Cerberus in the gormandising realm of hell'], the more the vision reveals itself. "This is not about pity, but something quite different: There is nothing more shameful than the sight of human beings, degraded to inhumanity!" Albert Camus.


>> Index     >> Dieu sensible au Cœur Causes and Consequences of Religion







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter:

Symphony of Peace
»significatio passiva«

A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
D. Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions
H. Appeal to the Women

I. Global Warning
   Cultural analytical Dialogue
J. The Humane Culture
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
L. Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age

Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
P. About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the wise Serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – the religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
Culture and Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Universel – Intertextual Human Experience
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge